UCSD/CSE151_Intro.to AI: A statistical Approa11 Lec_9_violajones 2018. 4. 9. Lec_8_EnsembleLearning 2018. 4. 9. Lec_7_BiasVariance 2018. 4. 9. Lec_6_Linear 2018. 4. 9. Lec_6_Kernels 2018. 4. 9. Lec_5_Perceptron 2018. 4. 9. Lec_4_DecisionTree 2018. 4. 9. lec3: Classification: Nearest Neighbors. 2018. 4. 8. lec2: A Geometric View of Linear Algebra. 2018. 4. 8. lec1: Administrivia and Course Overview 2018. 4. 8. Lec_1 Intro @What is Machine Learning? -How to use data to learn to make better predictions 1. Recommendation Systems : suggest to something ( recommended movies..) 2. Spam Detection : by using some words or sentences, we can throw the spam mails. 3. Link Prediction : Like a "Linked In" from one person's neighbors,, Linked person... -Algorithm behavior changes based on data *This class: some basic machine l.. 2018. 4. 3. 이전 1 다음